What Is HeartHealing® and How Does It Help People?

What is HeartHealing?

Have you already heard of HeartHealing®? Whether the term is brand new to you or you’re here to find out more, I hope you’ll find the information you’ll need in the description below!

Melissa Ratti HeartHealing Level 2 Practitioner

We’ve all had experiences in life that have impacted our heart – whether that’s a loss or trauma, feeling rejected or betrayed, judged, unsafe, not accepted, abandoned, ‘not enough’ or even ‘too much’ in some way. We learned to put walls up around our hearts to stop us ever feeling that pain so intensely again. But in doing so, we also created energetic blocks to receiving the unconditional love, success and abundance we truly desire and dream of.

HeartHealing® is a revolutionary, integrative healing approach used within the subconscious state to spark deeply healing emotional and energetic transformation. It uniquely and expertly combines scientific, spiritual and energetic principles for more profound and long-lasting shifts than most purely scientific-based methods.

Why HeartHealing is more powerful than mindset work

Many techniques in the transformational industry focus on the power of the mind. While mindset work can be powerful, it’s really only one layer. HeartHealing® is the missing link to wholeness – it focuses on the most radical and powerful transformation you can ever experience: healing your heart.

Your heart holds the wisdom to what is really holding you back and reveals the hidden wounds your mind cannot see. According to quantum physics, the heart has an energetic frequency thousands of times stronger than the mind – so it makes sense that healing your heart can create much bigger transformation than just healing your mind.

HeartHealing® also allows you to notice, cultivate and honour your intuition. Through its unique combination of scientific and spiritual techniques, HeartHealing® imprints change at the mind, heart and soul level for profound and deep transformation that is simply incomparable to most other methods. It can change the course of your life in as little as one session!

Where HeartHealing® excels is in healing key life relationships, especially from childhood. The approach is attachment- and trauma-informed, and its founder, Natasha Bray, has won several awards in psychology and counselling.

HeartHealing® unveils hidden blocks that mind-based techniques alone are unlikely to uncover. It metaphorically breaks down the invisible walls built around your heart by unveiling and addressing cycles of trauma and wounding passed down through families.

The result is a sense of wholeness and freedom that opens your energetic pathways to receiving more love, more success, more abundance, inner peace and inner confidence – basically upgrading every area of your life!

When your heart wounds are healed and your head and heart are truly aligned, transformation, success, happiness and fulfilment can happen SO much faster!

HeartHealing Therapist Melissa Ratti

So, if you want to…

⭐ Develop the inner confidence to finally fulfil your dreams
⭐ Truly love yourself and others
⭐ Deeply trust yourself and others
⭐ Release fear, anxiety and stress
⭐ Feel lighter, freer and more joyful every day
⭐ Make better life, health and relationship choices
⭐ Embrace who you really are, deep down
⭐ Become more visible in business
⭐ Skyrocket your income without hustling or sacrificing other areas of your life
⭐ Overcome childhood or relationship trauma (even if you’ve worked or are working with a therapist)

HeartHealing® may be the perfect solution to create an extraordinary effect on your life! 💖


N.B. HeartHealing® should only be led by a fully qualified, registered practitioner. Full HeartHealing® practitioners have undergone extensive training and assessment at the School of Healing Mastery in order to be certified at both levels 1 and 2, and are required to update and maintain their skills every year. At the time of writing, there are less than 50 fully qualified HeartHealing® practitioners in the world… and one of them is yours truly!

In my HeartHealing® work, I bring in a combination of intuitive healing such as energy work, opening universal pathways and helping participants connect with their own inner wisdom and guidance. It’s an incredible, magical, transformative journey with results that surprise and delight across all areas of life and business!

Fully Qualified HeartHealing Practitioner

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