Why HeartHealing® Is The Missing Link In Your Healing Journey
When you feel like you’ve done all the talk therapy, the mindset work, the somatic exercises, meditating each morning and even harnessing the law of attraction, but you still feel like you’re not quite where you want to be, it could be because at the core, at the very centre of YOU, you still have unhealed wounds in your heart around feeling worthy, deserving, fundamentally abundant and truly peaceful from within.
Don’t worry, we’re all a work in progress, and all kinds of modalities can help, but here are some ways that healing the HEART can be so extremely powerful.
According to Natasha Bray, the founder of HeartHealing®, there are at least four reasons why the heart is the missing link when it comes to healing yourself and inviting more effortless abundance into your life:
1. The true wound isn’t caused by the experience you had — it is the wound to the heart caused by the FEELING you had and the PERSON who was involved in the experience
Therefore, instead of trying to mentally or somatically work through a negative or traumatic experience (which can help to a certain extent — but it isn’t the whole story), you really want to heal from the heart wounds caused by the person involved in the experience. Deeper than that, there can also be hidden wounds caused by the people who didn't protect you from the person that hurt you. It's multi-layered, but true shifts come from healing your energetic relationships with the obvious and not-so-obvious people involved — and you can do it all from your end!
2. True healing is not logical — it is FELT (emotional)
A lot of psychotherapy, counselling and even coaching spend time addressing the mind. We try to logically understand where our wounds or behaviours come from, do mindset work and try to rewrite our beliefs. Sometimes this helps take a few steps towards a more positive direction, but often they don’t go deep enough. True deep healing isn’t logical. It is felt.
For example, you might know on an intellectual level that your parents loved you, or that your partner loves you. But if you don’t truly, deeply feel it in your core, you will never truly believe it. Feeling something in our hearts is what makes it real. Understanding trauma logically and trying to change your beliefs or feelings about it is only one layer, one piece of the puzzle, and usually not the most transformative one.
3. The Heart is a powerful portal to healing your whole self, since it’s connected to your mind and soul
In HeartHealing®, we have witnessed and experienced how the heart is an entry way to our deepest healing and wholeness — the root to healing your whole self. When you supply the missing link by healing the heart, it can also beautifully bring together all the other healing you’ve done.
Research has found that your heart actually communicates with your brain neurologically, biochemically, biophysically and energetically (heart-mind connection). There is also something called the heart mind, which is essentially a brain within the heart, where your heart stores memories. Spiritually, the heart is also a portal to the soul.
Even doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists and trauma experts with decades of qualifications and expertise have experienced more profound healing with HeartHealing® than they ever have before — for themselves, and for their clients once they start to certify and integrate these techniques into their work.
4. Your heart has a powerful magnetic frequency thousands of times stronger than the mind
According to quantum physics, the heart emits a magnetic frequency 5000 times stronger than the mind, so it makes sense that healing on a heart level is much more effective than just changing their thoughts and beliefs, as we do in more mind-based approaches.
Your heart is physically surrounded by a heart wall (known as the pericardium), which is like a shield. Its job is to keep your heart safe and protected from pathogens in the body, physically and chemically. However, the heart has an energetic heart wall too, with the same job - to keep your heart safe and protected - from emotional pain, the pain of having your wounds triggered.
The more hurts we have experienced in life, the more we build up that wall around our hearts to protect ourselves from being hurt again. But this also limits the power of the heart’s magnetic field, a.k.a your magnetism.
Your heart is the missing link to the deepest healing you can personally experience. If the heart wall is energetically too high or too strong, you are blocking goodness in life, as much as you are blocking the bad things. The shield around your heart may be blocking you from receiving the greater levels of love, money, success, fulfilment and inner peace you deeply desire.
I have experienced myself how when you heal the wounds of your heart (mostly ones I didn’t even know about!), every single relationship in your life improves too, including the relationship with yourself, with money, and living with ease. When you soften those energetic walls, your capacity to receive all the goodness in life is greatly expanded. Even other people start to feel your love, positivity and magnetism in a way they haven't been able to before.
So, what are you waiting for? If you’re curious about how HeartHealing® could elevate your life to one of ease, calm, fulfilment and inner joy, book a pre-package consultation with me via Instagram message or using the contact form and let’s discuss how this could work for you!