Is a Life Coach Just an Expensive Friend?

"Paying for a life coach is just like paying someone to be your friend,"

I overheard someone say to her coffee companion last week.

My opinion?

Well, yes, they're exactly the same thing – if you’re fortunate enough to have a friend who…

1. Provides a non-judgemental space with no distractions or interruptions while you talk
2. Has an established process for helping you get results
3. Is trauma-informed
4. Is 100% focused on you, during your time together
5. Is an expert in the area they're helping you with
6. Has a deep understanding of how you experience life
7. Guarantees you will get results from your sessions together
8. Drastically reduces the time it takes you to achieve your goals
9. Has the skill to see your blind spots objectively and help you shift them permanently
10. Has a library of techniques to help you overcome anxiety, procrastination, self-doubt, overwhelm and imposter syndrome
11. Calls you out on your mind drama
12. Keeps you accountable to massive action
13. Knows how to motivate you to do things you thought were impossible
14. Continually shows you where you're growing and improving
15. Helps you transform your health, emotions, finances, body, career, business or relationships
16. Provides full confidentiality
17. Is willing to show up every week to work with you on SOLUTIONS to your issues
18. Spends their time, energy and money continually learning better ways to help you get better results.

If you have a friend who does all those things to help you grow, every single week, then yes, it's basically the same thing!

If you don't have a friend like that, well, you might consider working with a life coach. 😉

*Adapted from a text message I received. Original author unknown.


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